Thursday, March 8, 2012

Teacher Tool sites!

I have almost 60 new sites to share, so please be looking in the next few weeks for new ones. The ones in this section are considered teacher tools for various reasons. I hope you enjoy!

This site allows for you to organize a collection of websites in one easy format called a hotlist.

Looking for a Reading strategy for use at some point during your lesson? Beginning, During, or After Reading? Check this site out, there are a lot of various resources to use with Reading lessons.

Customizable fine motor and color sheets for various holidays and themes!

Looking for a probe to use for RtI or just one to measure student progress? Check this site out...There is a free portion for teachers to access printable measures. Teachers just need to set up an account.

I just found this site tonight. It has a lot of good resources for students who may have trouble with tracking or other peripheral issues.

Practical advice for teachers to use in integrating technology in the classrooms and in their daily lives.

Left your ez-grader at home? I have a solution, there is one online. Double click on the ez-grader and it will flip to the other side.

A list of graphic organizers all in one place! These are all downloadable pdf files.

Customizable behavior contracts, probes for reading and math skills, and other interventions! Check it out if you have a student in RtI and need some intervention strategies.
I actually found this site using pinterest. I have heard of most of the websites listed on this blog, but I LOVED that this had all Scott Foresman Reading Street Resources for K-6 organized in one place.

Lots more to come! Please keep checking back ;-) I will be updating my Ipad app list with new apps, along with plenty of new sites to share!

Until next time

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