Monday, May 16, 2016

Why I do what I do....

I'm catching up on some #CompelledTribe posts. Okay I have missed posting on here for the last three months and am trying to at least post for May.

Two years ago I saw the You Matter message on Twitter and immediately thought of how amazing this would be for teachers and students. That following summer I was fortunate to meet Angelia Maiers at ISTE14. Hearing her in person tell about her vision, her passion, and her You Matter message was inspirational. This has been a message I have made a point to have in my classroom over the last two years. It's a message that I have had students read when they were frustrated or down on themselves. It's a message that I have watched impact students they learn that they not only matter, but that they can make a difference (and that they are more than a number).

I went into teaching because of the teachers I had in school. I was blessed with teachers who I knew loved being there, who were there to not only instruct in academics but in everything else that was needed. I wanted to be that kind of a teacher when I grew up to be a teacher. I wanted to not only make a difference but for the students I had to leave knowing that they mattered and could make a difference. Every year at the beginning of the school year and during Teacher Appreciation week I'm reminded of the teachers I had in school.

This year I've been inspired by several students. Students that never gave up even when the number on the test wasn't what they wanted. Students that continue to come to school with a smile on their face despite what is going on at their house. Students that help others, that lead others, and care more about others than themselves. Students that saw a need and created a plan to meet that need. I could write multiple blog posts about each of these. The ripple has been thrown out this year and the impact is continuing.

Social media has allowed me to stay connected to several of my teachers from elementary and high school. They get to continue to see what a difference their time is making as a former student pays it forward each and every day. This is why we do what we that the world will be a better place for those that come after us. Teaching is more than a job for me, it's a calling...I learned from early on what that meant as I saw that calling walked out day in and day out.

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