Tuesday, January 1, 2019


I'm thankful for new years because it means a new start, a chance to reach goals again that weren't attained previously.  Looking back over 2018, I didn't do so well with my One Word (Being). If my word had been busy it might have been different. I went in with gusto for the year and my steam quickly went into just trying to keep up. I think we all have a tendency to do that if we don't have balance. One of the books I read last year for professional and personal me was Balance Like a Pirate.
If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend you add it to your list for this year. It was an easy read and very practical. Balance keeps burn out at bay and keeps us moving forward in this journey instead of barely keeping our heads above water. So on to 2019, not looking back at what didn't get finished in 2018....but looking ahead and making plans to give 2019 all I can. When I begin thinking about my one word for the year, I try to find one that works for me personally and professionally. This year throughout the last month of the year, the word intentional kept coming up in conversations, tweets, books etc. My word for the year is intentional. I want to look back at the end of 2019 and not feel like I was spinning my wheels or going around the same mountains, but to be able to look back and see growth. Things may not get checked off of the to-do list, but progress will be made towards goals. Goals professionally (not sure what those look like exactly right now be it NBCT or EDS), goals personally (decluttering and losing weight are a must)....but to move forward on any it will take doing things intentionally and with purpose. One thing I know is I've got to get back to intentionally sharing where I've been, what I'm doing etc. This means coming up with some new ideas for webinars and workshops, getting back to regularly posting on this blog, and renewing my presence on Twitter for chats and connecting with my PLN.  Our comfort zones as we see them are just boundaries that are meant to be moved. We grow when we pick up those zones and start walking forward with them knowing that we have something to offer and a voice that needs to be heard.

There are more blog posts to come, I've already started planning ahead with titles and content 😉