Sunday, July 6, 2014

I am an educator...

This was on the front of a T-shirt I received at ISTE last week. The back said, what are you. It is one of my favorites and I can't wait to wear it one Friday at work. This is a different kind of post, but it will be short I promise. This summer I have had a lot of time for reflection. I needed it after the year I had. We all have one of those years though. The year when we question why we are doing what we are doing. The year when we seem to analyze every one of our "teaching" philosophies so to speak. With that being said here a few of those revised and reflected philosophies. Maybe they'll tell you a little more about me ;-) Back to Technology posts on Monday with two webinar recaps and then later this week we have our local tech conference!

1. I used to say technology was one of my passions. Now I know it is Technology Integration that is one of my passions. It's not enough to just give teachers or students the tool, we need to show them how it applies to life(and content). Then let them create!

2. All behavior has a reason period. The student isn't acting a certain way just to act it. It may be a learned behavior or trait, but there is a reason behind why they do what they do. Same thing can be said for working with adults. Most that have put up a wall or seem hard to get to know are that way for a reason. Be yourself and you may be the one who can find a way to push a brick through on the wall.
(I loved this from Pinterest!) So true!!

3. Everyone matters. I read about the #YouMatter project/campaign on Twitter early last year. I actually had the opportunity to implement it at one school before I left. It was eye-opening to watch the teachers read their notes. Everyone needs to hear they matter and make a difference. I know for me personally, I can do a lot and deal with a lot if I know someone cares. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. Give it out and it will come back to you. I'm looking for ways to implement this next year period. I will post on here as I am able to so that others can have ideas of ways they can possible share it as well.  If you are not sure what I'm talking about watch this clip on YouTube: You Matter YouTube

4. Share what you know and what you do not know. You may never find the answers to your questions if you are not willing the ask them. I love having a PLN for that. I had the privilege to meet some of my PLN while in Atlanta for ISTE. Find a group you can learn from and grow! If you are having trouble doing that in your own school environment, reach out to a PLN through a webinar or on Twitter. It will renew you as a teacher and light a fire in you that hopefully you can spread to your local colleagues. We are all in this together and together can help each other grow. I'll be posting more on this in a couple of weeks. 

5. Keep learning! It doesn't matter if is reading an article or taking the time to catch up on a piece of literature, always find time to be a student yourself. I am finding it makes you a better teacher! 

For some the summer is on the down hill slope and for some they have a little longer to go, before you go back to school this year, take some time to reflect. Reflection is a key piece to good teaching. It takes the teacher who struggled and turns him/her into the teacher who has overcome. Always remember though that what you do matters! Do what you do with your head held high knowing it matters and has value! 

Enjoy your day!

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