Monday, September 24, 2012

Common Core Resources

This is just a sampling of the common core resources I have found. I'll post more after I get caught up with a few more posts, but for now enjoy what I've found. Comment if you need something else or are looking for a particular resource...I love to hunt ;-)

One version of Kid friendly standards which may help parents to understand what the common core is targeting.
Another version of Kid friendly standards for Language Arts and Math. These take the standards and reword them  into I can statements.
Math common core resources divided by grade level and standard.
Love this resource! Has lessons and activities already uploaded for various standards
Activities, lessons, and ideas for grades K-3 English Language Arts and Math Common Core standards
There was a blog post(see screen shot above) on August 14, 2012 that was titled 8 Tech Tools for Common Core. When working on this blog post, I couldn't get their blog to load. Hopefully it was just a glitch tonight, so try it later. The post was really good.
Link for their curriculum is up at the top to search for lesson plans etc.
Scroll down to a link for free interactive and web 2.0 resources. The post goes through how to sign up for a free account to Classroom connect in order to have access to these activities and lesson. She is constantly updating, but not every standard for every grade has something yet(last time I looked). Take a look though, she may have what you are looking for! Great resource;-)
Common core ideas, make sure to check out more recent posts
Hope this gives you something to get started! As I said, more resources to come as soon as I get caught up on a few posts. Stay Tuned! Comment if you are looking for something particular and I'll be on the look out.
Thanks for reading!

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