Monday, November 7, 2011

Teacher Tools

Here are a few tools that I have come to love! They make life easier.

Ever needed to change a document into something that everyone could read? This is an easy download that installs as a printer option. It allows you to change any document into a pdf file. This helps with things you may want to post to a website, send out(without fearing that anyone will change anything), or if you need to send it to someone that does not have a particular Microsoft Program. I've used this with my newsletters before, because not everyone has Microsoft Publisher.

Ever wanted to "grab" a portion of the screen and not the whole screen? Print screen works for only so many things. Greenshot is a download that allows you to capture a portion of the screen(even in a picture in a pdf document) and then crop and it save it as a jpeg file. I've used green shot with grabbing the screens to post pictures of the websites on the blog. If you have any questions about either of these, please feel free to email me or leave a comment!
Up next....Math Resources for K-6

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