Saturday, November 12, 2016

Your flame, your voice....

I'm's been way too long since I posted on here and that's my own fault. I had forgotten a piece of wisdom that was shared with me a couple of years ago...the part of telling my story. As educators we exist in a comparison world. We are always comparing data, comparing funny student stories, light bulb moments, and even those venting moments. We compare more than we share sometimes and that's where we lose sight of our connection with others. We lose sight of the connections that exist to help us help our students. You see for when your flame is fanned, you are able to fan other flames. When we see the difference we are making, we are energized to keep doing what we do regardless of the cost. When we know we are making an impact, we keep pushing forward to make an even bigger ripple that makes an even greater impact. Sometimes we walk around waiting for others to see the difference we are making, when we have to see it first. When we forget we have a voice, we quit trying to speak up. When we we lose sight of our flame, we quit trying to uncover it. Our passion is a part of who we are......don't hand it over without a fight. You are where you are for a reason, grow in this season and determine to make a difference. Your students need your flame and your voice...they need you!  (For any other teachers who may have already hit burnt out this year and the exhaustion phase. You are important and the difference you are making is impacting more than you can even see! Keep doing what you do and giving all you can, it's planting seeds that will one day grow into trees that will continue making a difference). 

I am thankful for a PLN who have sown wisdom in over the years and it's been a seed that has taken root. Connection is a powerful tool and sometimes as educators we just need to know that someone is listening and that our opinions are valued. The first step is listening to yourself and valuing your own opinions...for that is where you realize you have a voice that needs to be heard. If you don't tell your story and the amazing things you are doing, who will? 

I'll be posting weekly from now on and am thankful to have uncovered my flame and found my passion voice again to tell my story....